
Update v0.19.6 "Awakened Assembly" is out of Beta!

I am trying to awake the energy contained in the rocket assembly

Three weeks of beta testing have passed and I believe that the v0.19.6Awakened Assembly” update is ready for the wider audience. You can read about all major changes in the previous post. But I have prepared for you a few changes that I would like to point out.


As you’ve probably seen on the update cover, the game now supports rovers. I would say that this is an “experimental” feature, because I had very little time to properly test them. Also there is no sounds/effects assigned to wheels, because it would take far more time, than I had during the beta testing. But they work (with some edge cases) and open up the whole new exploration axis for the game. There are probably not enough rocket parts to deliver them onto other planets right now, but you can try to do that.

Beautiful view of the space center from a place I’ve never been before

There aren’t many parts to install on rover at this time. I am aware of that and this will solve it in one of the future updates, which will bring instruments into the game

Relaunch last selected rocket

Yes, this is happening! You can relaunch the last launched (or selected in the control center) rocket at any moment during the flight. You no longer need to return to the assembly shop to press that launch button. I think this is the second most anticipated feature after vertical rocket assembly. So, enjoy!

Just press the button on the time panel and you are ready to go

New rocket parts

Most of them were made to support rovers, but there are some that were made to add variety to the resulting spacecrafts.

“Lunohod-2” Chassis

“Lubopytstvo” Chassis

L1 Twin Interplanetary Wheel

L1 Interplanetary Wheel

K2 Interplanetary Wheel

Solar Panel SIGO-249

Central Mini Rack

Angled Extension Rack

“SOHO” Probe Core

“Mgnovenie” Probe Core

Multi-mission RITEG

“Om” Illuminating Device

“Krater-B08-RM” Monopropellant Thruster

“Delta” Adapter

There are a lot of changes made to the game during this four month cycle, so I expect that not all bugs were hunted down. So if you encounter something strange, please report it to our discord or on the steam forums and I will try to fix it as soon as possible.

Thank you for playing and see you in the next one!

v0.19.6 release notes

If you want to continue plaing your save or you have problems with this update, please switch to v0.18.x branch.


  • added parts for rovers;
  • slots and connectors on part attachments unified into one type, called sockets;
  • added blueprint mode for assembly shop, where you have no limits in rocket size;
  • added vertical assembly option when in blueprint mode;
  • added grid for rocket assembly and ability to toggle it on and off;
  • line socket used in planes was reworked and supports attachment at any point on the line;
  • line socket is used for side connections for most parts now;
  • added socket type filter for rocket parts in the assembly shop;
  • added star and butterfly sockets;
  • wheels can now have electric motors;
  • time panel was reworked and includes more info, pause buttons and map / blueprint toggle depending on the context;
  • added “Relaunch last selected flight” button to the time panel;
  • context menu now works for orbits on Solar system map;
  • you can set as target orbits from contracts now;
  • you can share your rockets via Steam workshop using rocket mods;
  • added rover “launch facility”.

New rocket parts:

  • “Lunohod-2” Chassis;
  • “Lubopytstvo” Chassis;
  • L1 Twin Interplanetary Wheel;
  • L1 Interplanetary Wheel;
  • K2 Interplanetary Wheel;
  • Solar Panel SIGO-249;
  • Central Mini Rack;
  • Angled Extension Rack;
  • “SOHO” Probe Core;
  • “Mgnovenie” Probe Core;
  • Multi-mission RITEG;
  • “Om” Illuminating Device;
  • “Krater-B08-RM” Monopropellant Thruster;
  • “Delta” Adapter.

New content:

  • added “Land on Venus” contract;
  • added “Reach SSO orbit” contract.

Part changes:

  • most part variants that had a difference only in slot / connector in the attachment was removed due to sockets rework;
  • all deprecated rocket parts in previous updates had been removed;
  • some parts with dual and triple side sockets got line sockets instead;
  • increased range for pressure for the default parachute, so it could be used in the Martian atmosphere;
  • improved visuals for RS-05 Steerable Landing Gear suspension;
  • reduced power consumption for all probe cores;
  • reduced power production for all solar panels by 30%, to make them more realistic;
  • made “Sputnik-2” Probe Core smaller and better looking.


  • rocket schema holds only state data now, as a result we get smaller rocket files and no need to write a migration, when changing part configs;
  • you can rename spacecrafts not only from control center, but also during the flight, by ALT+clicking on the name of the spacecraft on the time panel;
  • you can no longer remove spacecraft in the control center by right-clicking on it, you need to use Delete button;
  • renaming rocket during editing is changed to alt+left click to be consistent to the rest of the game;
  • part attachment movement smoothed when reattaching them from rocket part to rocket part;
  • symmetry now checks on reattach/detach, that the symmetric part have not only the same connection shape, but also the same type;
  • symmetry now properly handles all cases, when rocket part is reattached within one connection;
  • you can flip rocket part during rocket assembly using a hotkey now;
  • docking ports are represented with their own socket type now and have respective image;
  • reworked connection icons in the rocket part tooltip;
  • all engines, that previously have no throttle limits, received lower 5% throttle bound;
  • renamed game data folder from HDYLIEM to Rocket Science;
  • increased the distance you can zoom out the camera in the assembly shop;
  • camera no longer focus on attached part in the assembly, it moves along rocket’s central axis instead.


  • added B shortcut, that will switch blueprint assembly mode;
  • added forward W and backward S buttons to control wheel motors;
  • added F shortcut, to quickly flip the rocket part during the assembly.


  • you can’t focus camera on not attached parts to the rocket using alt + click, while in assembly shop;
  • rocket part appears in the middle of assembly shop for a few frames when using symmetry;
  • rectangle socket sometimes is not connecting to hexagon socket;
  • you can’t reattach already attached part to the same parent connection but different self connection;
  • target periapsis goal is set to 0 in the velocity vectors tutorial UI;
  • some rocket parts still flip when connecting top of the part to the bottom of the another one;
  • payload adapters are broken and don’t handle attachments;
  • scene where you are making a custom navball is broken;
  • you can reattach part to a “hidden one” when symmetry is enabled.
  • when reattaching part from symmetric attachment to the non-symmetric one, detach symmetry doesn’t work;
  • when reattaching part from non-symmetric to the symmetric one, attach symmetry doesn’t work;
  • assembly shop become broken if you are stop editing the rocket and rocket part is still moving by the cursor.
  • rocket part could constantly switch between two attachments on alignment when user doesn’t move their mouse;
  • crash when removing attaching part using Delete key, or when part was very close to the parts panel in some specific cases.

Known issues:

  • Rocket sometimes is not generating lift, when using relaunch button and there was a previous rocket on it.
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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